The Modified Cottontail Club
The Modified Cottontail Club A bridge bidding system based on the Cottontail Club system and Good, Better, Best . Jan Eric Larsson published a revolutionary book on conventions and systems: Good, Better, Best . He tested many bidding systems and conventions using thousands of computer simulations which led to startling results. It seems that we now have an objective comparison of conventions and systems. One important conclusion is that we should open a weak hand with any five card suit as a weak two bid. The gain is approximately 0.2 IMPs per board compared with opening six card suits only. On the other hand three level openings should be made on a seven card suit, not on a six card suit. The conclusions on many conventions and systems can be found in the book. The best system according to the book is “The Cottontail Club". Unfortunately there is no extensive description available, only a summary of the opening bids. The Cottontail Club is based on The Tangeri...